Tuesday, January 27, 2009


This girl is one of my best friends & she's completely fabulous cause, well, otherwise we prolly wouldn't be friends ;) anyway, it is definitely not gluten-free & is completely indulgent. BUT. i decided to post a recipe after this for all the gluten-free getting cravings... enjoy

January 26, 2009
by Kat Dikeakos

We all do it, you know.

It’s embarrassing. You know this, yet you do it anyway, hoping you will never get caught.
Your body is craving it, your tongue may possibly want it even more, and even though you get it all over your face if you’re trying to drive at the same time, you still do it.

That’s right. You have late night trips to fast food joints. Wendy’s, Mcdonald’s, doesn’t matter, both of those blessed places are open late with drive thrus, so you don’t actually have to go inside the joint in shambles after whatever escapades you were up to.

Somehow, it’s never fast enough. It takes you an eternity between ordering (oh what do I have?! Cheeseburger? Nuggets? Both? Ok, fuck it, both!) and getting to pick it up...and with some amazing alignment with the gods, this always is under 3 bucks, no matter what you are ordering, or how much...

Of course, you don’t even bother to pull over to eat it. You unwrap whatever delicious crack-filled goodness you are going to have while you are driving at 12km/hr with your knees and then drive with one hand as you devour your food, getting sauce and lettuce all over yourself and trying to dip nuggets while balancing the goddamn holy wonderful dipping sauce on your dashboard, hoping you will hit a red light so you can finish it.

And somehow, and this doesn’t matter where you are coming from, if you are heading into kits, you are finished whatever you ordered by Arbutus. Now, you don’t know exactly how you managed to eat 3 cheeseburgers in five minutes, but you did it, and now you’re almost home.

Everyone does it. They won’t admit it most of the time. They will make excuses as to why there is mustard in their hair at 1am when “they went to take out the garbage”, and they will hide the wrappers.

....I stashed mine next to some floufy decorated basket in the garage.

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