FROM A SLICE OF CHERRY PIE (aSliceofCherryPie.blogspot.com)
Sprinkle of Sugar
Mascarpone Cheese
OR Double Thick Cream
OR Double Thick Cream
1) halved & de-stoned ripe peaches (easily done by running a sharp knife all around the middle of the peach, then twisting the halves in opposite directions to prise them apart, then just digging out the stone w/a spoon)
2) sprinkled on some sugar
3) wrapped them in little foil parcels
4) put them on the barbeque. around 25 min ( to heat through & soften)
5) serve with a choice of mascarpone cheese or extra thick double cream
**NOTES:Although we put these on the barbeque you could just as easily bake them in the oven. I reckon 20min at about 200C should do it.
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